Friday, December 19, 2014

Excellent Outcomes With Proton Therapy in Prostate Cancer

A new study shows "extremely high efficacy" in 5-year outcomes for patients in all risk categories treated with proton-beam therapy. The 5-year rates of freedom from biochemical and/or clinical progression were 99% in low-risk patients, 99% in inte rmediate-risk patients, and 76% in high-risk patients.
The 5-year overall survival rates were 93%, 88%, and 90%, respectively, for the 3 risk categories.
The study was published in the March 1 issue of the International Journal of Radiation * Oncology * Biology * Physics.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

PTC is leading the way in pencil beam scanning

Iva Tatounova-Curtis Poling-Lucie Kleckova at PTCC 

Continuing my journey with proton therapy I visited this newest Proton Therapy Center   in Prague Czech Republic.  PTCC is one of the leaders using the most sophisticated Pencil Beam Scanning (PBS) delivery technique for treating a variety of cancers. Physics group has had very extensive experiences and technical expertise in commissioning and implementing the excellent quality assurance for PBS in three of their treatment rooms. Most centers experiences have been limited to the Uniform Scanning (US) and Double Scattering (DS) modalities so far. Other centers across the globe are observing the clinical cases and have learned a very valuable information from the very experienced clinical and physics staff of PTCC. This equates to highly accurate delivery and higher dosages of treatment without side effects of traditional forms of radiation. 

Continuing  journey as a global advocate for proton therapy I was honored to tour this amazing advanced center for cancer proton center.  The center's founders Pavel & Vaclav Lastovka have implemented the most advanced proton center in the world.  Emphasis on pediatrics and many cancers that proton patients will benefit.  Considering costs for proton therapy this center is lowest costs in the world and recently introduced hyperfractinated treatments of early stage proton with only 5 dosages (5 days).  Amazing center!!  Please write me at

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Proton Therapy for Prostate Cancer is the Magic Bullet!

Proton Therapy Journey continues!  

It's been a while since I posted PSA results or moderated thoughts.  Today it has been 6 years and 3 months since my last trip to a proton therapy gantry.  It's been over 6 years ago when my PSA had tripled alarmingly over 8 months at a high of 5.8.  It was mid fall Nov 1, 2007 when I received the dreadful news that I had cancer.   I was then encouraged as a perfect candidate for surgery, or IMRT, brachytherapy or combintaton of IMRT and  brachytherapy.  I was anxious during that time and recall side effects of increased urgency in urination and symptoms of early Erectile dysfunction.  It was a confusing time coping with the diagnosis, facing possible surgery at urologist's recommendation, or some form of radiation.  I was 52 when they symptoms started and 53 when diagnosed.  Urologists and my General Practitioner concurred if untreated at my age or consider watchful waiting I would succumb and die from prostate cancer at an early age. The concept of surgery and its side effects made me sick to my stomach.  You see I never faced any serious illness or past surgery and couldn't fathom the long recovery of possibly only being a shadow of myself after the surgery.   IMRT or some variation was my early thought and yet concerned of its possible outcome.  I investigated Cyberknife and was discouraged even by practitioners then in multiple locations that long term benefits were too early to predict for men my age.     

I discovered proton therapy early on and encouraged by positive reports by thousands of proton patients with organizations like Brotherhood of the Balloon and having fewer side effects and maintaining a normal life.  My urologists indicated it was not readily available and experimental.  Oncologists locally indicated proton was over the top for my cancer and yet they were a branch of MD Anderson and had access to proton.  I forged on and eventually was treated with 45 sessions of PBT over 8 weeks. Being away from home and managing our small business was difficult.  Tracy my loving wife kept all our affairs together during my treatment. Without her support, proton therapy was not possible, and yet she knew the long term benefit. 

 Flash forward today my PSA is now at  .059 !!!...yes that's true.  It dropped even lower over the last year.  Clinically, I am considered cured by my insurance provider and local practitioners.  I even decided after all these years to do a comphrensive bone scan.  Guess what... All clear.   And even more importantly I never had a side effect and my frequent urination disappeared and no signs of Erectile dysfunction.   Never lost any function, no loss of career and no loss of love and affection with my spouse.   

Trip to Beijing with Noah 2012 seeking
Proton funding for US center
Today I have been blessed having travelled extensively globally promoting proton therapy.  I have heard exceptionally powerful stories of conviction of seeking out proton therapy with patients traveling halfway across the globe for proton treatment.  Their stories are mentioned in this Asia blog 

So for me proton was the magic bullet.  Is it worth the costs?  Ask the patient.  Good health to all.  Curtis Poling, successfully treated with PBT.  


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