Here setting center seeing what prostate cancer can do if ignored, I want to mention to those starting the process to take head of this post. My earlier posts praise the process of being treated with proton therapy and how easy it was to manage. I was lucky to move on my cancer early. Left untreated I had a raging triple growth of PSA before diagnosed with cancer. Statistically and at 53 years old I faced an enormous battle verified with attending physicians and oncologists that I would die from it at an early age. I am convinced now three years later that I may not have even been here if left untreated. How lucky to discover it and move on it. This humbles me. I appreciate life and as you read I continue to be a active as an advocate and dedicated my career in helping patients seek cancer treatment.
As of this post I have had over 5500 visitors to this blog and have mentored 100's personally since I started this project. Some take action, get aggressive and treat their cancer and that is positive. Its the ones that I cross that waited too long and are faced with their final battle with life. Metastatic prostate or any type of metastatic cancer is no longer curable.
As such, the therapy or treatment for metastatic cancer is considered palliative. Therefore, early detection remains the key for ultimately improving survival from this disease. The treatment for metastatic prostate cancer (cancer which has gone from the prostate to other parts of the body) has not changed significantly since the 1940’s. Prostate cancer is stimulated to grow by the male hormone testosterone. By blocking testosterone, prostate cancer will go into remission (either stop growing, or at least grow more slowly). Eighty percent of men with metastatic prostate cancer will respond to hormonal therapy (blocking testosterone). The response is a temporary one due to the fact that the cancer will mutate (change) and begin to grow despite the absence of testosterone. Half of men treated with hormonal therapy will develop disease that no longer responds to hormone treatment within three years of instituting therapy. You may read of alternative treatments but the outcome is similar and at the most only gives you a few months more of life.
Please if you are diagnosed with cancer take heed of what this post is saying and get aggressive and treat your cancer early. Its not worth the risks.
30 Proton Centers in U.S.
The National Association for Proton Therapy recently announced there are
now 30 proton centers in the U.S. It took 25 years for the first 15 proton
6 years ago