Sunday, July 14, 2013

Proton Therapy answers all the problems related to radiation therapy!

Proton Therapy is the future:
Recent released report on proton therapy:  60% of all cancer patients undergo some sort of radiation therapy during their course of treatment. Despite advances in technology for radiation therapy, a majority of these patients suffer from side effects of traditional radiation treatment. Currently prevalent radio therapy methods like X-Ray/IMRT etc. also cost pretty high in the long run.
In this context, Proton Therapy, the latest innovation in the field of radio-oncology,answers all the problems related to radiation therapy. The technology is expected to eventually replace the traditional methods of radiotherapy in the future and thus, holds immense market potential for players in the industry. The report further delves into the anticipated transformation into the competitive landscape due to increase in number of players leading to highly competitive market. Read

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Robot hot among surgeons but FDA taking fresh look

Todays news: 

A New York man whose colon was allegedly perforated during prostate surgery. Da Vinci's maker filed that report after seeing a newspaper article about it and said the doctor's office declined to provide additional information. Read more:

Five years ago I was with treated Proton Therapy for prostate cancer.   No side effects!  Do your due diligence and study your options.  I put a lot of value on minimal side effects and a good quality life.  Please browse my blog and see my story.  Have a great day! 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Proton therapy treatment preserves quality of life for men with prostate cancer

The first, a multi-institutional study, and one of the largest quality of life studies of its kind ever conducted in such a patient population, involved more than 1,000 patients treated with proton therapy for various stages of prostate cancer. The men had all received proton therapy, with or without hormone therapy, at one of five proton therapy centers across the country. All participants were at least one year to more than 10 years post-treatment. 

Two MD Anderson-led studies conclude that patients' urinary, bowel function safe-guarded
Newswise — BOSTON, MA - Two studies led by The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center have found that proton therapy preserves the quality of life, specifically urinary and bowel function, in men treated with this targeted radiation modality for prostate cancer.
Both studies, led by Andrew K. Lee, M.D., M.P.H., associate professor in MD Anderson's Department of Radiation Oncology, will be presented in a poster session at the 54th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO).
"As oncologists, we obviously want good cancer control outcomes, but we also want to ensure that patients maintain a strong sense of continued quality of life after treatment, which can be very personal and subjective for each patient," said Lee.
"With this research, we looked at the well being of prostate cancer patients, post-treatment, and it was important that we obtain this information directly from men who actually underwent the therapy, rather than from their treatment providers," Lee continued. "In our own practice, we've observed that patients have done very well as measured by disease control and quality of life metrics. Our findings, both the wider-perspective multicenter study and the research conducted solely at MD Anderson, validate what we observe in our clinic."

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Five Years after Proton Therapy

Five years ago I was packing and preparing for the start of my proton journey.    45 sessions of proton therapy and 2.5 months duration seems like a blink of time today.   My recent PSA came in at .61 Now Five years of no side effects and and kicked the cancer in the rear.   My story started when I was 53 years old with a PSA that had tripled in 8 months to a high of can read my start of prostate cancer journey here. I was lucky to discover the cancer early and move on it. The proton beam spared me so much from side effects, and now, what great peace of mind to see this new low number. I feel great never lost any functions, sexuality and never suffered through the treatment and recovery process. How amazing is that.!  

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