I created this blog as the start of my prostate cancer journey. My treatment of choice was proton beam therapy. It is information like the following that just makes sense to consider the advantages of proton beam therapy in treating your cancer:
Permanent nerve damage experienced during surgery: When nerve damage occurs anywhere in the body, the tissues to which the damaged nerves supply impulses usually experience atrophy or breakdown. This can often be seen in paraplegic, wheelchair bound people in whom the loss of nerve signal causes a significant decrease in the size and muscle mass of the legs. The same can be said of the penis after nerve damage during prostatectomy. If permanent nerve damage occurs, the lack of impulses to smooth muscle of the penis leads to an atrophy or breakdown of the tissues responsible for erections and causes the penis to shrink both in length and girth.
Read on: http://myprostatedoc.blogspot.com/2011/06/shortening-of-penis-after-prostatectomy.html
30 Proton Centers in U.S.
The National Association for Proton Therapy recently announced there are
now 30 proton centers in the U.S. It took 25 years for the first 15 proton
6 years ago