Four years ago I started my first week of proton therapy at Loma Linda Medical University. I was 53 years old with a PSA that had tripled in 8 months to a high of 5.8...you can read my start of prostate cancer journey here. I was lucky to discover the cancer early and move on it. Today as I am so happy to report a new lower PSA of .68! The proton beam spared me so much from side effects, and now, what great peace of mind to see this new low number. I feel great never lost any functions, sexuality and never suffered through the treatment and recovery process. How wonderful is that!
If you are starting your cancer journey take time to read this blog. You do not have to expose yourself or compromise quality of life and or lifestyle with proton. With 37 (9 in the US) total proton centers in the US and abroad with 11 planned and over 73,800 treated, you owe it to yourself and your family to at least review the benefits of PBT.
Thanks to all the health care providers, National Association of Proton Therapy and the father of proton utilizing the Bragg peak by Dr. Robert R. Wilson in 1946 for making this therapy a reality.
The debate will go on for the healthcare community for proton beam therapy effectiveness and costs. And so did the use of radium back in 1913 to treat cancer, and so did xray tubes in 1922, and high energy xray machines by GE in 1937, Cobalt in 1951, and so did LINAC and Gamma knife technology, then on to 70s with 3D, IGRT and IMRT. Protons today are sparing life changing side effects while curing cancer. In my view as a past patient it is todays best chance at treating a localized cancer tumors and another milestone in saving lives in radiation history.
Go Protons!!!