Expressing good news makes this even more delightful. New results of recent PSA tests show that proton therapy continuing its good results. PSA is .7! Basically no change. Hurrah! I ended my sessions of proton therapy over 10 years and 6 months ago. No side effects and great blood panel results recently.
On proton therapy: There is a significant difference between standard (x-ray) radiation treatment and proton therapy. If given in sufficient doses, x-ray radiation techniques will control many cancers. But, because of the physician's inability to adequately conform the irradiation pattern to the cancer, healthy tissues may receive a similar dose and can be damaged. Consequently, a less- than-desired dose is frequently used to reduce damage to healthy tissues and avoid unwanted side effects. The power of protons is that higher doses of radiation can be used to control and manage cancer while significantly reducing damage to healthy tissue and vital organs. read more here
If you are recently diagnose with prostate cancer feel free to drop me a note.
30 Proton Centers in U.S.
The National Association for Proton Therapy recently announced there are
now 30 proton centers in the U.S. It took 25 years for the first 15 proton
6 years ago